24 August, 2010

Dipesh shares his cultural clothing

Tamilini shares her cultural clothing

Our inquiry unit is well underway! Our classroom has been decorated with clothing from a variety of cultures. Here Tamilini shares with us a bit about her clothing and her cultures.

19 August, 2010


A massive thank you to all our wonderful blog viewers!

We now have over 2000 hits on our blog!


Our strand for the beginning of this term is on measurement.
We have been out and about measuring differents things around the school.
Here are some cool photos of us measuring how far our cars went.

Jacob fixing his car after the crash

Zafar and Ronan working as a team to measure how far their car went

Room 12 ready to race and measure

Term 3 Inquiry

Our new class inquiry is on clothing and how what we wear reflects our culture.
We started off our unit with a bus stop activity where we agreed and disagreed with different statements about clothing.
Some of the statements included things like:
Everyone should wear the same clothing
Clothing represents who we are as a person

Today we worked in our inquiry groups on different activities. Some of the activities we did were:
Using the thinking keys
Using the computer microscope to look at different items of clothing
Key word searches
Using the internet to search about clothing from around the world.
As a class we completed the spider web activity where we shared facts about clothing

We hope you enjoy our pictures and make sure you come in and see our inquiry journey.

12 August, 2010

Term 3 Inquiry - space invaders

Our term three inquiry was pretty excited. We went and saw Harold and Ariana in the life education van and learnt about food and our body.

In class we:
Created our digestive system.
Used bus stop thinking stations to share our opinions.
Sorted food in colours.
Used our interactive white board to place different foods into the food pyramid.
Learnt some of the fruit and vege names in Maori!
We completed food experiments where we measure out how much sugar is in food. The results from these tests were surprising! Nutella had double the sugar of a 2.25L coke!

Come in and check out our inquiry wall parents your children have done some amazing work!

Our next inquiry is on clothing and how clothes represent who we are and our cultures! Have a think at home about your cultural clothing and if you have things to share bring them into school!