15 October, 2010

Information reports

Our class has been writing information reports. Our inquiry is based on insects so we have been doing lots of reports on different insects. When we write an information report we have to have a title, a general statement, a description and an evaluation.

We want to share a part of our writing with you and have decided that we want to share our descriptions on nits.

Nits are little, flat and soft. They try and turn the colour of your hair. Nits live in our clean, long and warm hair. They like clean hair because the dirty hair is oily and they can easily slip off the hair. When they are on clean hair they swing and use their hooks and claws. Nits have eyes but they can only see if it is day or night. They feel with their feelers.

By Sanraj, Year 3

Head lice live in human hair. Head lice suck blood from your head. They are transparent and have hooks that look like claws. Head lice use their hooks to hook onto other people’s hair. They look like they are soft and flat. Head lice try to change colour when they are in different coloured hair. They do this because the head lice don’t want people to see them.

By Tamilini, Year 3

Nits are little tiny insects that can be black, white or even brown. Nits live in our hair and they have little hooks to stick to our hair. Nits use their stylets to suck our blood.

By Cj, Year 3

A nit is a small insect that lives in your hair. It can be transparent, brown or the colour of your hair. Nits put a liquid in your hair so that you can’t feel them sucking your blood. Nits have sharp mouth parts called stylets. Baby head lice are called nymphs. Head lice have claws that catch onto people’s hair. Nits are flat and soft. Head lice drink you blood every five hours. Head lice can catch anyone so you better watch out!

By Alainah, Year 2

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