16 May, 2011

Week 3 homework task

Week 3 homework task:

This week I want you to get measuring. Measure different things in your house and let us know how many CM, MM, or M they are. Don't forget to include your name in your blog post.

Happy measuring :)


  1. My cat is 2.5m.I reakon measuring is cool.

  2. My desk is 7.2 hands and my sisters one is 10 h
    hands also my sisters computer is 3 hands.

    I am going to put it in order.

    10 7.2 3

  3. from chris
    When i musered my lunch boxx it was 20.2cm and that is big.

  4. 1. Photo Frame - 29 x 27 cm
    2. Writing Book - 25 x 20 cm
    3.Mum 172 cm
    4.Coffee Table - 117 x 55 cm

  5. 1. Photo Frame - 29x27cm
    2. Writing Book - 25x20cm
    3. Mum- 172cm
    4. Coffee Table-117x55cm

  6. I measured my table length 108cm
    my height 126cm
    the width of my bed is 1.4m
    my computers width is 340mm
    our door width is 61.5cm
    and the tiles are 30cm x 30cm

  7. I'm measuring my coffee table;
    The width is 1m and 20cm
    The length is the same
    The height is 40cm
    By Josh

  8. THE height of the computer is 30cm high and the width is 36cm wided.

  9. Hamish
    Key h height, w width
    I measured:
    A stencil 23.4cm h
    A pencil 18.2cm h
    A maths set 18.3cm h, 7cm w
    A ukulele 55.5cm h
    A marker 18.3cm h
    A keyboard 18 inches h

  10. I measured my long smiggle rubber and it was 29cm=209mm.

  11. My toy is 1.5cm and my book is 2.4

  12. I Measured a cucumber the length was 34cm.
    I also measured the plant in the lounge the height is 2m.

  13. My printer is 38 cm.

    the keyboard is 42cm.

    the letter D on our keyboard is 10.4 mm

    my skipping rope is 1.340 m

  14. The height off my nana's lunch box is 2 m and the width is 1 m because I measured them with my hands.
