18 November, 2010
29 October, 2010
Water safety week 3
Super man Ronan
A big congratulations to Ronan! Today at water safety he jumped off the 'cliff' into the water. Everyone was so very proud of him!
21 October, 2010
We have started gymnastics this term. We have eight activities that we are focusing on. These include the balancing beam, balancing balls, forward rolls, balance boards and much much more. Today we took videos of the different activities and gave each other feedback on what we did well and what we need to still work on.
Kelly Sports
This term we are participating in Kelly Sports once a week. This week we learnt some small ball skills. We used tennis balls to catch and pass. It was a lot of fun!
Information reports
Flies are flying insects
A house fly flaps its wings 200 times in 4 seconds. Robber flies are hunters. Robber flies have powerful legs that are strong enough to catch insects. House flies are strong bodied flies with beautiful patterns on their backs. Hover flies are fast flyers. The hover flies wings beat so fast that human eyes can’t see it flap.
I think flies are fascinating animals because they fly around and also they can live anywhere.
Great start to your writing Alainah!
20 October, 2010
Bug hunting
This term our inquiry unit is based on insects. We have been bug hunting outside our classroom and finding some pretty exciting insects. Here are some photos from our bug hunts...
15 October, 2010
Information reports
We want to share a part of our writing with you and have decided that we want to share our descriptions on nits.
Nits are little, flat and soft. They try and turn the colour of your hair. Nits live in our clean, long and warm hair. They like clean hair because the dirty hair is oily and they can easily slip off the hair. When they are on clean hair they swing and use their hooks and claws. Nits have eyes but they can only see if it is day or night. They feel with their feelers.
By Sanraj, Year 3
Head lice live in human hair. Head lice suck blood from your head. They are transparent and have hooks that look like claws. Head lice use their hooks to hook onto other people’s hair. They look like they are soft and flat. Head lice try to change colour when they are in different coloured hair. They do this because the head lice don’t want people to see them.
By Tamilini, Year 3
Nits are little tiny insects that can be black, white or even brown. Nits live in our hair and they have little hooks to stick to our hair. Nits use their stylets to suck our blood.
By Cj, Year 3
A nit is a small insect that lives in your hair. It can be transparent, brown or the colour of your hair. Nits put a liquid in your hair so that you can’t feel them sucking your blood. Nits have sharp mouth parts called stylets. Baby head lice are called nymphs. Head lice have claws that catch onto people’s hair. Nits are flat and soft. Head lice drink you blood every five hours. Head lice can catch anyone so you better watch out!
By Alainah, Year 2
16 September, 2010
Silver snakes
One of the Silver Snakes reading tasks yesterday was to use the digital camera to create a song about the book they have been reading. The song had to be short and sharp and include some of the facts they had learnt from the book.
They did a fantastic job for their very first effort.
New Zealand Idol.... watch out! These kids have some serious talent.
14 September, 2010
Show Time
Today was our matinee performance. You all looked amazing on stage. Well done room 12 I am so proud of you.
We have two more night shows to go which are all sold out!
Cultural clothing
13 September, 2010
Silver snakes
alt="Wordle: albatross"
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24 August, 2010
Tamilini shares her cultural clothing
Our inquiry unit is well underway! Our classroom has been decorated with clothing from a variety of cultures. Here Tamilini shares with us a bit about her clothing and her cultures.
19 August, 2010
We have been out and about measuring differents things around the school.
Here are some cool photos of us measuring how far our cars went.
Term 3 Inquiry
We started off our unit with a bus stop activity where we agreed and disagreed with different statements about clothing.
Some of the statements included things like:
Everyone should wear the same clothing
Clothing represents who we are as a person
Today we worked in our inquiry groups on different activities. Some of the activities we did were:
Using the thinking keys
Using the computer microscope to look at different items of clothing
Key word searches
Using the internet to search about clothing from around the world.
We hope you enjoy our pictures and make sure you come in and see our inquiry journey.
12 August, 2010
Term 3 Inquiry - space invaders
Our term three inquiry was pretty excited. We went and saw Harold and Ariana in the life education van and learnt about food and our body.
In class we:
Created our digestive system.
Used bus stop thinking stations to share our opinions.
Sorted food in colours.
Used our interactive white board to place different foods into the food pyramid.
Learnt some of the fruit and vege names in Maori!
We completed food experiments where we measure out how much sugar is in food. The results from these tests were surprising! Nutella had double the sugar of a 2.25L coke!
Come in and check out our inquiry wall parents your children have done some amazing work!
Our next inquiry is on clothing and how clothes represent who we are and our cultures! Have a think at home about your cultural clothing and if you have things to share bring them into school!
23 July, 2010
Back to School
We have some really neat things to look forward to this term like:
Life education van
Parent teacher conferences
Our inquiry focus for the beginning of this term is food. We are going to do some pretty neat experiments so keep coming back and checking out the blog!
17 June, 2010
03 June, 2010
Sporting Super-stars
01 June, 2010
26 May, 2010
25 May, 2010
Week 6 term one
Wow our blog is a hit! We only started this page and we have already had over 500 hits.
We have some really neat things on our blog now.... pod casts, pictures of our classroom, factual reports and poem recitals.
Keep up the great work kids!
See you tomorrow with a bright smile on your dial :)
Mrs F
19 May, 2010
13 May, 2010
11 May, 2010
Factual Report writing
Seab anemones live in the sea.
Sea anemones attach themselves to coral reefs and some attach themselves to rocks.
They are very colourful and have soft bodies.
Sea anemones have a mouth and they use their tentacles to pull prey into their mouth.
They are very clever.
By Jonathon
Factual Report writing
Koalas are animals that are fluffy.
Koalas only eat the leaves of the eucalyptus tree. Koalas spend their time eating and sleeping in the eucalyptus tree.
Koala Dads do not help their babies. A baby Koala is called a Joey. When Joeys are born they don't have eyes, hair or ears. Joeys are about the size of a jelly bean when they are born.
Joeys are a bit weird because they don't have eyes when they are born.
By Jenna
Factual Report writing
A baby whale is called a calf.
Mother whales give birth to one baby at a time. The baby can be huge. A baby blue whale wieghs about 4000 pounds, more than 5000 human babies.
Whales are warm blooded. They also have a breathing hole. Whales breath like humans because they are mammals.
Whales are cute.