04 April, 2011

Week 10 homework question

This week I would like you to comment when you answer the following question: Question - What have you enjoyed most when learning about the circus? Add detail to your answer and don't forget to give reasons why you liked something.


  1. I enjoyed circus tricks because its fun & funny.I liked to jaggling & hullowing with my arm.

  2. Hamish
    I enjoyed learned all sorts of clown and threir names

  3. I Liked it when I panted chris fase and I liked
    loning about the three diffet clowns.

  4. I liked learning about the august clown, whiteface
    and the character clown.

  5. I liked the circus because their types
    of clowns.Like the white face clown, he thinks
    he so smart .But he isn't so smart. I liked the
    circus because its so funny, and their tricks make the whole show interesting.
    BY Ayush

  6. I really liked learning about how to do acts because we leardet new acts so I thought that when we grow up we could to be clowns at the circs.

  7. I liked the part about the three type of clowns the most in the circus they look funny.White face clown he thinks he is the best but he's not.Augast clown he does all different kind of acts.Character clowns he wears costumes and does funny things.The clowns are the best part of the circus.the best clown is White Face Clown.

  8. I enjoyed when we painted our faces.

  9. I learned that animals are not allowed at a circus because they can some times be wild,scare and also ruin the circus.

  10. I ENJOYED making diffrent types of clowns, like the whiteface clown and the character clown and the augus clown because we could use things like old scrap paper and other old materials.

  11. i enjoyed lerning about the three diffent types of clowns because i lernt all about the three diffent clowns and what they do in a circus.i had fun when we painted each others faces. by Grace

  12. The best thing i liked about this topoic was reading "In the Circus" books and painting our faces to look like the clowns, I enjoyed it very much because i learned a lot of things about the circus like the diffrnt types of clowns and that no more animals are in the circus because they can be dangerous.

  13. I love learning about the clowns. All these clowns are funny but I only like two and it is the white face clown and the augus clown.

  14. I think we all really enjoyed painting each others faces. My favourite part of our circus unit was getting to know all the different clowns. I also really enjoyed the magic show, it was very entertaining.

    Mrs Filipo

  15. I've enjoyed learning about white face clowns because they think they are smarter then anyone.

  16. Hi mrs folepo how are you doing today
    I realy liked lerning about all kinds of clowns
    and i also also like paining each others face.
    Did you like face panting it was cool
    by mrs Foliopo.


  17. Mrs fillipo I had a grat day today you are the
    best techer.

  18. the clowns because they were acting funny.
