11 April, 2011

Week 11 homework question

This is our last homework question for term one! Last week we have started looking at fire safety. We discussed what to do in a fire and looked at evacuation plans. This week I want you to explain the following: Your fire evacuation plan that you and your family have at home. What do you do? Where do you meet? Mrs Filipo :)


  1. I liked Discvery because when i was doing the mable run.I made the fastet mable run

  2. My family meats at the front fecns and I do not
    go back inside. I call fire fire.

    from gurveer

  3. You have to get down,get low,and get out fast and go meet at the mail box.
    from Alia.

  4. I injoyed lerning about fier.Bcause so when a fier happens you can get out.But if you bring your stuff you might not be in time to get your other stuff.

  5. my fire exit is to jump out the window from ryan

  6. If there is a fire . You meet at the safe
    meeting place .And chech if your family is
    there with you.
    By ayush

  7. My famiLys safe meeting place is:letterbox.

  8. My family is firewise and our safe meeting
    place is leeterbox or lawn

    from Kelle

  9. my famliy is firewise because our plan is to get down get low get out. We are supposed to meet at the safe meeting places which is the letterbox at the neighbours house or the top of our long driveway.

  10. I would go to the mail box or a tree if its faraway from my house so get firewiyse.

  11. If there is a fire I would get down get low and get out fast and yell fire fire fire!Our family's safe meeting place is the letter box because it is away from the house where the fire is.

  12. We meet at the letter box in front of our house. Get down and come out of the house through the door or the window. We dont wait for others and we dont go back inside once we out

  13. When our smoke alarm goes off, our familys plan is to get down, get low, get out fast and meet at the end of our long driveway by the mailbox

  14. we plan to meet at the letter box. when ther is a fire never wait for someone eles and just get down get low and get out - fast.
